Sunday, March 07, 2010


So Twitter's a big thing these days. It's not only your friends you can keep up-to-date with, but also radio DJs, TV stars, popstars and even movie stars!

I think we all know how it works, you post short updates on what you're doing, thinking or feeling. And you can also add photos or aim it specifically at someone you're following using their @ username. I didn't join at first because I didn't see what the fuss was about, but I caved in the end. I must admit, it can be quite addictive. Mostly I'll only update one or twice a day, but if I'm annoyed about something or just if I'm bored or replying to people it might be more. I think I've made just over 600 "tweets". If you're interested, check me out: @jodie_says

Okay, so the purpose of this post wasn't to talk about me, but about my favourite musical tweeters! I follow people from all the McFly guys to Lily Allen to Paramore.

One of my favourite by far has got to be Tom from McFly. He tweets about anything and everything. At the moment this includes a lot about McFly recording their new album, which of course makes me happy. He also tweets a lot about his random dreams and lots of cute photos of his cat!

Anyone else I should be following?

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