Friday, February 17, 2006

Blogs to riches

Is it possible to make money from a simple blog just like this? According to Clive Thompson from the New York Metro it can be. Proved by Pete Rojas who made millions when AOL bought Weblogs which included his blog Engadget. Interesting article, although very long even if it is separated onto six pages.

According to Clive there are three different types of blogger; The accidental tourist, the record label approach and the Boutiquie approach. The most common being the accidental tourist. This is any normal person like you or me simply starting a blog for fun, but then it becomes more popular than you could hope.

It seems that blogs become popular by other bloggers linking them. The more links a blog has to it the more likely it is to be in the A-list of blogs, a bit like celebrities. Bit of a weird concept if you ask me but someone actually took the time to do this!

To actually make money you have to get into advertising on your blog and it all gets a bit complicated. But who knows, if your blog gets that many visitors you could make money from it.

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