Tuesday, April 04, 2006


Something happened this Sunday that has never happened before. The song that went to number one wasn't even in the shops yet. Yes that's right, it went to number one the day before the CD was avaliable to buy, so it got there purely by the amount of downloads.

I first read about this last Thursday then I saw a report aboit it on BBC news the same night. And I've got to say I've never heard of Gnarls Barkley, or heard the song, Crazy, before that day. And I can't say I particularly like it either.

This is a pretty major thing for the music business though.

So is this proof that downloading is becoming more popular than actually going out and buying a CD? Only time will tell...

1 comment:

Andrew said...

Could be the new trend for number ones - more and more download-only tracks. On the other hand, could be one of those one-off, never-to-be-repeated moments of chart history.

Like you say, only time will tell. But it's a bloody good song.