Wednesday, April 05, 2006

McIntosh and Murdoch

My Online Journalism class had the pleasure of a visit from the Deputy Editor of Guardian Unlimited, Neil McIntosh this week. I found it really interesting to hear from someone who works in the business, and has his own blog.

He talked to us about podcasts. I didn't know a lot about podcasts until he spoke to us. Guardian Unlimited not long along launched their own podcasts and they're planning something special around the time of the world cup. He also happened to mention that a certain tabloid newspaper once recorded one of their podcasts in a loo!

One other thing I found particularly interesting, as a regular user of the site, was what he said about MySpace. He said that he has no idea why Rupert Murdoch bought MySpace, as he doesn't think he'll make any money out of it. I did wonder what Murdoch would want with MySpace.

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